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grundlagen:taktische_begriffe_englisch [2020/09/01 18:08] Skiratagrundlagen:taktische_begriffe_englisch [2020/09/19 17:38] (aktuell) Daniel Soro
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +**Führungsebenen - Echelon Amplifiers**
 +  * Team/ Besatzung - Team/ Crew
 +  * Trupp - Fire-Team
 +  * Gruppe - Squad/Section
 +  * Zug - Platoon
 +  * Kompanie - Company
 +  * Bataillon - Battaillon
 +**__Taktische Begriffe in englischer Sprache__**
 +  * **AA** - Assembly Area, An area in which a command is assembled preparatory to further action.
 +  * **AO** - Area of Operation
 +  * **CKP** - Checkpoint, A predetermined point on the surface of the earth used as a means of controlling movement, a registration target for fire adjustment, or reference for location.
 +  * **FEBA** - Fordward Edge of Battle Area, The foremost limits of a series of areas in which ground combat units are deployed, excluding the areas in which the covering or screening forces are operating, designated to coordinate fire support, the positioning of forces or the manoeuvre of units.
 +  * **FLOT** - Forward Line of Own Troops
 +  * **PL** - Phase Line, A line utilized for control and coordination of military operations, usually a terrain feature extending across the zone of action.
 +  * **PP** - Passage Point, A specifically designated place where the passing units will pass through the stationary unit.
 +  * **M** - Reporting Point, In road movements, a well defined point on a route at which the elements composing a column return under the authority of their respective commanders, each one of these elements continuing its movement towards its own appropriate destination.
 +  * **RP** - Release Point, In road movements, a well defined point on a route at which the elements composing a column return under the authority of their respective commanders, each one of these elements continuing its movement towards its own appropriate destination.
 +  * **SP** - Starting Point, A well defined point on a route at which a movement of vehicles begins to be under the control of the commander of this movement. It is at this point that the column is formed by the successive passing, at an appointed time, of each of the elements composing the column. In addition to the principal start point of a column there may be secondary start points for its different elements.
 +  * **TIC** - Troops in Contact
 +  * **WIA** - Wounded in action
 +**__Taktische Aufträge in englischer Sprache__**
 **  A** **  A**
   * **Abriegeln - interdict**, Keep an enemy force out of range so that it cannot be used effectively against a friendly force.   * **Abriegeln - interdict**, Keep an enemy force out of range so that it cannot be used effectively against a friendly force.
   * **Angriff - attack**, The principal attack or effort into which the commander throws the full weight of the offensive power at his disposal.   * **Angriff - attack**, The principal attack or effort into which the commander throws the full weight of the offensive power at his disposal.
   * **Auffangen - block**, Deny enemy access to a given area, or to prevent his advance in a particular direction.   * **Auffangen - block**, Deny enemy access to a given area, or to prevent his advance in a particular direction.
 +  * **Aufklärung - reconnaissance**,
   * **Aussickern - exfiltrate**, Withdraw through or around enemy positions without detection.   * **Aussickern - exfiltrate**, Withdraw through or around enemy positions without detection.
 **  D** **  D**
   * **Durchbruch - breach**, Break through or secure passage through an enemy defence, obstacle, or fortification.   * **Durchbruch - breach**, Break through or secure passage through an enemy defence, obstacle, or fortification.
 **  E** **  E**
   * **Einbrechen - penetrate**, Break through enemy defence and disrupt the defensive system.   * **Einbrechen - penetrate**, Break through enemy defence and disrupt the defensive system.
   * **Einschließung - isolate**, Seal off an enemy force from its sources of support, to deny it freedom of movement, and prevent it from having contact with other enemy forces.    * **Einschließung - isolate**, Seal off an enemy force from its sources of support, to deny it freedom of movement, and prevent it from having contact with other enemy forces. 
-  * **Einsickern - infiltrate **, +  * **Einsickern - infiltrate**, 
   * **Erreichen - occupy**, Position a unit in a specified area without enemy opposition.   * **Erreichen - occupy**, Position a unit in a specified area without enemy opposition.
   * **Eskortieren - escort**, Accompany and protect.   * **Eskortieren - escort**, Accompany and protect.
 **  G** **  G**
   * **Gewinnen und halten - secure**, Gain possession of a position or terrain feature, with or without force, and to make such disposition as will prevent its destruction or loss to enemy action.   * **Gewinnen und halten - secure**, Gain possession of a position or terrain feature, with or without force, and to make such disposition as will prevent its destruction or loss to enemy action.
 **  I** **  I**
   * **In der Stellung ablösen - relief in place**, An operation in which, by direction of higher authority, all or part of a unit is replaced in an area by the incoming unit. The responsibilities of the replaced elements for the mission and the assigned zone of operations are transferred to the incoming unit. The incoming unit continues the operation as ordered.   * **In der Stellung ablösen - relief in place**, An operation in which, by direction of higher authority, all or part of a unit is replaced in an area by the incoming unit. The responsibilities of the replaced elements for the mission and the assigned zone of operations are transferred to the incoming unit. The incoming unit continues the operation as ordered.
   * **In Gewahrsam nehmen - capture**, Gain possession of specified enemy personnel, materiel or information.   * **In Gewahrsam nehmen - capture**, Gain possession of specified enemy personnel, materiel or information.
 ** K** ** K**
   * ** Kämpfend ausweichen - withdraw under pressure**, Disengage from the enemy while under pressure and move in a direction away from the enemy.   * ** Kämpfend ausweichen - withdraw under pressure**, Disengage from the enemy while under pressure and move in a direction away from the enemy.
 **  N** **  N**
   * **Nehmen - seize**, Clear a designated area and obtain control of it.   * **Nehmen - seize**, Clear a designated area and obtain control of it.
 **  S** **  S**
   * **Sicherung - guard**, Protect the main force by fighting to gain time, while also observing and reporting information. Operate within fire support range of main force   * **Sicherung - guard**, Protect the main force by fighting to gain time, while also observing and reporting information. Operate within fire support range of main force
 **  U** **  U**
   * **Überwachung - screen**, Observe, identify, and report information on threats to the main force. Only fight in selfprotection.   * **Überwachung - screen**, Observe, identify, and report information on threats to the main force. Only fight in selfprotection.
   * **Umgehung - bypass**, Manoeuvre around an obstacle, position, or enemy force to maintain the momentum of advance.   * **Umgehung - bypass**, Manoeuvre around an obstacle, position, or enemy force to maintain the momentum of advance.
   * **Unterdrücken - suppress**, Temporarily degrade an enemy capability to enable a friendly action.   * **Unterdrücken - suppress**, Temporarily degrade an enemy capability to enable a friendly action.
 +**  V**
 +  * **Verzögerung - delay**, Prevent an enemy force arriving at a specified location either: for a specified length of time; or until a specified time or event.
 **  Z** **  Z**
   * **Zerstören/ Zerschlagen - destroy**, Damage an object or an enemy force so that it is rendered useless to the enemy until reconstituted.   * **Zerstören/ Zerschlagen - destroy**, Damage an object or an enemy force so that it is rendered useless to the enemy until reconstituted.